"The Bulletproof Heart" – A Sculpture by David Gil Condemning Gun Violence

Bulletproof Heart


Œuvre d’Art Award by Fédération Françaisdu Verre Plat

XX Ans du Musée d’Orsay Exhibition in Paris  

I was born in Colombia, South America, a country once scarred by violence. When I was 12, on my way to school, a thief pressed a loaded gun against my left temple just to steal my shoes. This frontal encounter with an existential threat altered my perception of the world. Further gun violence eventually forced me into exile. 

On March 20th, 2003, my brithdate, the War on Terror began, marking another chapter of global violence that reshaped lives worldwide. This event spakred the creation of the Bulletproof Heart.

"The Bulletproof Heart" – A Sculpture by David Gil Condemning Gun Violence

This stratified ballistic glass sculpture reflects my unwavering commitment to condemn gun violence.

The Bulletproof Heart emerged from a collaboration with Swedish sculptor Thomasine Giesecke. The work began as a 3D design of an ergonomic human heart and was brought to life through the precise assembly of eighty 2mm-thin glass layers, each meticulously cut by water jet and bonded with UV glue.

The interior, left raw, symbolizes the unhealed scars of trauma, while the polished exterior stands for resilience. The artwork can be opened with a double-handle stainless steel cable, inviting viewers to delve into its core, where fragility and strength coexist.

The Bulletproof Heart is a testament to the lasting impact of gun violence and my determination to transform personal pain into a symbol of social engagement and hope.

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